My wife hurt herself playing on the trampoline just the other day; her injury has worsened over time, looking for an experienced practitioner who can help her.
On the weekend I was diagnosed with a hamstring strain, can anyone recommend a South Geelong physio near me with availability.
That sharp pain I get in my upper back flared up on the weekend, I am new to South Geelong, accordingly, I need a new physiotherapist in the area.
I'm searching for a local physio in South Geelong, it would be helpful if they were good at treating patella tendonitis.
I'm a 48 year old weekend hiker and injured my right hand on Friday. I need a physio in South Geelong who can treat my issue and is available this afternoon.
Hurt my thigh being silly at tennis just the other day. I need to locate a South Geelong physio that has an appointment today.
Due to the physical nature of my job, I'm constantly aggravating my elbow pain. I need someone in South Geelong who is free.
I need advice to find physio, preferably in South Geelong, however, I can drive to Bareena, Newtown or Geelong. I'm after an appointment on Tuesday.
Yesterday, I hurt the inner part of my right knee at training - my injury is worsening and now my work doesn't want me to risk coming in.
Found out I have mortons neuroma, and need a physiotherapist on Tuesday.
Is it possible to see a physio in South Geelong who will see me soon?
My son is searching for a physiotherapist near me that can treat me now.