I severely injured my quads being silly at tennis about 3 days ago. I want a Seville physiotherapy clinic that will fix me fast.
I want the top physiotherapy clinic in Seville, who has experience in dealing with plantar fasciitis.
I'm a 52 year old regular golfer and hurt the lower part of the shoulder last Thursday. Desperate for a Seville physio clinic who is experienced at dealing with my issue at once.
As a mechanic, I continue to have pain in my wrists. I need someone in Seville with an appointment available today.
Last week, I hurt my upper trap muscles at swimming - pain has been getting worse and I am struggling to move.
My ageing wife hurt her lower leg rearranging furniture 3 days ago; her pain has worsened over time, looking for someone available.
The doctor said I have bursitis of the knee, need to book a physiotherapist in Seville who is free.
Acute pain in my ribcage got worse on Saturday, I moved to Seville, accordingly, I am in need of a physiotherapist in the area.
I am searching for a physiotherapist nearby that can treat me on Friday.
I need to find a physiotherapist, near Seville, but I can drive to Seville East, Wandin North or Wandin East. I need an appointment on Wednesday.
I have rolled my ankle, and I really need a physio on the weekend.
Can I see a physiotherapist that is available on Tuesday?