I want to find a Armstrong Creek physiotherapy clinic, who has experience in fixing itb syndrome.
As a 67 year old retiree, I'm now a tennis player and really injured my foot on the weekend. I really need a physio clinic in Armstrong Creek who can treat my issue instantly.
I felt pain in my quads after a long run four weeks ago. I need specific Armstrong Creek physiotherapy clinic that has an appointment today.
My ageing wife hurt her lower leg at the beach 3 days ago; her injury remains, I need to find her a physiotherapist with a free timeslot.
Can I see a physiotherapist in Armstrong Creek open on Thursday?
I would like an appointment with a physio nearby that can treat me on Tuesday.
With my job as a teacher, there is frequently some painful joints. I need to find a physio in Armstrong Creek who can look after me.
Last Friday, I began experiencing pain in my lower right back at rugby - pain has been getting worse and I can't get to work.
Hurt myself running, and need to see a physio on Thursday.
My GP diagnosed a slipped disc, I need a physio nearby in Armstrong Creek available.
That sharp pain I get in my upper back is worse again, I have recently relocated to Armstrong Creek, so I need a new physiotherapist local to me.