My daughter hurt herself lifting a heavy pot in the garden on Wednesday; her pain remains, she needs a physio in the area that can treat her.
As a 67 year old retiree, I'm now a regular attendee at the gym and felt a tingling sensation in my shoulder on the weekend. I need a physiotherapist in Airport West who knows how to treat my issue today or tomorrow.
I have shoudler bursitis, and I'm looking for a physio today.
I did some goolging and think I have pes planus, need to book a local physio in Airport West with a free time slot.
I want a physio near me who can treat me soon.
Injured the soft part of my calf at Crossfit training about 3 days ago. I need to locate a physiotherapy clinic in Airport West offering no gap.
Who is the best physiotherapy clinic in Airport West, it would be helpful if they were good at curing torn calf muscles.
As a teacher, I am always dealing with arm pain. I need a physiotherapist with a free timeslot.
Last Friday, I hurt my biceps at golf - it seems to be getting worse quickly and I reckon work is going to be too hard.
Tingling down my leg got worse on Saturday, I moved to Airport West, so I am in need of a physio local to me.
Is there a Airport West physio that can treat me on Sunday?