My fiance hurt herself taking the dog for a walk three weeks ago; her injury hasn't improved, can someone recommend a talented physio who can help her.
Golfers elbow is playing up, and I really need a physiotherapist today.
I need to find a Hazelwood Park physiotherapy clinic, who has experience in managing patella dislocations.
I felt pain in my calf playing tennis last week. I'm looking for a Hazelwood Park physiotherapy clinic offering no gap.
I'm looking for a physiotherapist, near me in Hazelwood Park, I will drive to Tusmore, Leabrook or Linden Park. I require a session on Wednesday.
I am a 51 year old hiker and severely injured my hand on Wednesday. I really need a physio clinic in Hazelwood Park who has many years of fixing my type of problem immediately.
Due to the physical nature of my job, I always have shoulder pain. I need a physiotherapist who can look after me.
On Sunday, I started sufferring from a strain in my upper back at ping pong - the pain is getting stronger and I think I will struggle to work today.
I have osteitis pubis, I need to find a physio in Hazelwood Park with an appointment available.
That sharp pain I get in my upper back is continuing to flare up, I moved to Hazelwood Park, accordingly, I am in need of a physio local to me.
My daughter would like an appointment with a physio in the area that's available today.
Can I see a Hazelwood Park physio who's available next week?