My daughter is searching for a physio in the area who is available very soon.
Suffering pain and in need of a South Gladstone physio, who has experience in curing biceps tendonitis.
I'm looking for a physiotherapy clinic, ideally in South Gladstone, I will travel to Barney Point, Sun Valley or Kin Kora. I need a timeslot on Friday.
My ageing wife hurt her lower leg cleaning the house on Friday; her pain continues, we need a physical therapist that can help.
I have shoudler bursitis, and want a physio on Saturday.
Is it possible to see a physiotherapist in South Gladstone that will see me this afternoon?
I knew I injured my thigh at F45 just the other day. I want to find a physiotherapist in South Gladstone offering no gap.
At 49 years old, I'm a gym-goer and strained my wrist yesterday. I need a physio in South Gladstone who can confidently fix my problem right away.
As a mechanic, I'm constantly aggravating my painful knees. I need to find a physio in South Gladstone that will treat me.
Last weekend, I suffered from pain in the underside of my foot at rugby - my injury is getting worse and now work will be difficult.
Doing some research, I think I have peroneal tendonitis, I need to book a South Gladstone physiotherapist nearby with a free time slot.
Sharp pain in my hips got worse on Monday, I recently relocated to South Gladstone, accordingly, I am looking for a physio.