I need a physiotherapist in Scarness, hopefully someone who is an expert in eliminating torn calf muscles.
Injured the lower area of the glutes doing martial arts on Sunday. I'm trying to find a physio in Scarness offering no gap.
As a builder, I constantly struggle with painful joints. I need a physiotherapist who can help me.
I'm a 36 year old social tennis player and felt a tight pull in the shoulder on Wednesday. I am in desperate need of a physio in Scarness who is an expert treating my type of physical issue at once.
On Wednesday, I began experiencing pain in my lower back muscles at Aussie rules - the pain is worsening and now I can't even move without pain.
My girlfriend injured herself playing with the kids a couple of hours ago; her injury is perhaps getting a little worse, looking for the top local physio that will treat her.
Found out I've got a heel spur, and I want to see a physio on Tuesday.
The specialist diagnosed me with a high ankle sprain, I need to book a physio near me in Scarness with a free time slot.
Acute pain in my lower back is getting worse, my wife and I have just moved to Scarness, accordingly, I am looking for a physio local to me.
I would really like to see a physio in the area who can treat me this week.
Is it possible to see a physio that's open on the weekend?