I suffered from pain in the groin during a soccer game a couple of days ago. I am searching for a physiotherapy clinic in Maryborough that will fix me fast.
Can I find a local physio in Maryborough, who has experience in fixing cervicogenic headaches.
I'm a 41 year old social paddleboarder and damaged my elbow on Monday. I need a physio in Maryborough who can fix my problem straight away.
As a tow truck driver, there is usually some elbow issues. I am looking for someone in Maryborough with an appointment available today.
I need advice to find physio, preferably in Maryborough, but I can travel to Granville, Oakhurst or Tinana. I need a session on Monday.
On Sunday, I really began to suffer pain in my underside of my foot at cricket - pain has been getting worse and I am struggling to move.
My wife hurt herself taking the dog for a walk last week; her pain is limiting her movement, needing a local physio with a free timeslot.
My doctor told me I have pes planus, I really need a physio near me in Maryborough that will treat me.
I am looking for a physio in the area who's available on Tuesday.
My migraine got worse on Monday, I recently relocated to Maryborough, so need to find a new local physiotherapist.
Is there a Maryborough physio that is open on Thursday?
Struggling with golfers elbow, and my GP suggested to see a physiotherapist on Wednesday.