I want to find a physiotherapist in Macleay Island, hopefully someone who is an expert in alleviating tendinopathy.
I'm a 48 year old fitness enthusiast and injured my wrist on Monday. I need a physiotherapist in Macleay Island who knows how to treat my issue instantly.
Looking for recommendation for a physio clinic, near Macleay Island, however, I will travel to Lamb Island, Karragarra Island or Perulpa Island. I require a slot next week.
Being a doctor, I continue to aggravate my painful upper back. I need a physiotherapist available to see me.
About 3 days ago, I really began to suffer pain in my left knee at the office - it is getting worse and now it's hard to move.
My fiance injured her lower arm playing on the trampoline on Saturday; her pain has not gotten any better, looking for an experienced practitioner who can help her.
My shoulder impingement is worsening, and my GP suggested to see a physio on Tuesday.
My doctor told me I have a slipped disc, I really need a Macleay Island physiotherapist nearby that can treat me.
Acute pain in my lower back got worse on Saturday, I recently relocated to Macleay Island, and I am in need of a local physio.
Is there a physio in Macleay Island open after hours?
Injured the soft part of my buttock running after a ball at cricket last Wednesday. I am searching for a Macleay Island physio that has an appointment today.
Our son is looking for a physio nearby that can see me very soon.