I knew I injured my shin throwing a ball at baseball last Wednesday. Can you find me a physiotherapy clinic in Yass that has a time free today.
Can you find me a physio in Yass, that has treated many other people helping ankle fractures.
As a 67 year old retiree, I'm now a windsurfer and sprained my elbow on Tuesday. I really need a physio clinic in Yass who has many years of fixing my type of problem after work today.
Can I find a physio clinic, near Yass, however, I will travel to Marchmont, Manton or Good Hope. I require a session tomorrow.
The previous Tuesday, I started to notice stiffness in my left index finger at Aussie rules - it is getting worse and now I can't even move without pain.
My girlfriend injured herself trying to move the fridge last Monday; her injury continues to get worse, I need to find her a physiotherapist with an appointment available.
Being a mum of two children, I'm constantly aggravating my upper back pain. I am looking for someone in Yass with availability today.
My shoulder impingement is worsening, and I'm searching for a physio on Saturday.
The sports teacher thinks I have a corked thigh, I need to book a Yass physiotherapist nearby who is free.
Acute pain in my lower back got worse on Monday, I'm new to Yass, accordingly, I need to find a physio local to me.
My daughter would like an appointment with a physiotherapist nearby who will see me today.
Can I see a physio that's open now?