Felt tenderness on the right side of my shin playing tennis a couple of days ago. I want a Wauchope physio clinic that will fix me fast.
I'm searching for a physiotherapist in Wauchope, that has treated many other people managing patella tendonitis.
I'm a 52 year old weekend hiker and injured my elbow on Friday. Desperate for a Wauchope physio clinic who has many years of fixing my type of problem today or tomorrow.
Can you find me a physio, preferably close to Wauchope, I am prepared to travel to Yippin Creek, Redbank or Crosslands. I require an appointment next week.
Last week, I began to have pain in my right knee at swimming - it's painful in the mornings and I reckon work is going to be too hard.
My new wife hurt her back renovating the bathroom last Saturday; her pain is perhaps getting a little worse, we are searching for a nearby physiotherapy clinic who can help her out.
Golfers elbow is playing up, and I want to see a physio in my area.
My specialist said I have achilles tendinopathy, I need to find a local physiotherapist in Wauchope who can look after me.
As a builder, I keep aggravating my arm pain. I need someone in Wauchope that can help.
The migraine I get occasionally flared up yesterday, my wife and I have just moved to Wauchope, so need to find a physiotherapist in the area.
Is it possible to see a physio that's open on Thursday?
My son would like a physio near me open on the weekend.