I knew I injured my chest during a gym session the previous Tuesday. I'm trying to find a North Sydney physio clinic that offers bulk billing.
As a 68 year old retiree, I am now a weekend hiker and sprained my shoulder two weeks ago. I need a physiotherapist in North Sydney who can fix my problem this Sunday if possible.
Being a mum of two children, I tend to always have some pain in my leg. I need a physiotherapist that will treat me.
I want to find a physiotherapy clinic, ideally close to North Sydney, however, I can drive to Lavender Bay, Neutral Bay or Waverton. I require an appointment in the morning before work.
My mum thinks I have trochanteric bursitis, is there a North Sydney physiotherapist who is free.
My back pain is flaring up again, me and the kids have are new to North Sydney, accordingly, I'm in need of a physiotherapist.
Last Wednesday, I severely injured my upper back at basketball - it is getting worse and now my work doesn't want me to risk coming in.
My daughter would like to see a physio that can treat me on the weekend.
Can I see a North Sydney physiotherapist that is open on Tuesday?
Tweaked my left shoulder, and my friend suggested I see a nearby physiotherapist.
I want to locate a North Sydney physio, that bulk bills and is experienced helping patella dislocations.
My fiance hurt herself after climbing the ladder last Wednesday; her pain has worsened over time, we're after a local physio that can treat her.