Who is the best physiotherapy clinic in Minto, preferably someone who is an expert in alleviating plantar fasciitis.
With my job as a nurse, I tend to always have some lower back pain. I am looking for someone in Minto who is free.
In doing some reading, I think I've got a slipped disc, have to find a local physio in Minto that can help.
The migraine I get occasionally flared up yesterday, I recently moved to Minto, accordingly, I'm in need of a physio.
My daughter is searching for a local physiotherapist who's available on Wednesday.
Is there a physiotherapist who is available on Thursday?
I'm a 38 year old hiker and really hurt my left wrist last week. I need a physiotherapist in Minto who is experienced at dealing with my issue asap.
Hurt my upper neck playing tennis last weekend. I need specific Minto physiotherapy clinic that is available soon.
Last Saturday, I somehow injured the soft part of my left knee at the office - pain is worsening and I can't get to work.
My girlfriend injured herself at the beach five weeks ago; her pain is perhaps getting a little worse, needing a physio nearby that can help.
Shin splints are getting worse, and my GP suggested to see a physio on Tuesday.