Felt tenderness on the right side of my hamstrings doing martial arts on Tuesday. Can I find a physiotherapist in Broken Hill that will fix me fast.
I am a 51 year old social paddleboarder and feeling 6/10 pain in my elbow on Monday. I am in desperate need of a physio in Broken Hill who is experienced at dealing with my issue tomorrow at lunchtime.
My husband is looking for a Broken Hill physio clinic, that has treated many other people treating patella dislocations.
As a mechanic, I continue to have arm pain. I need to find a physio in Broken Hill who can look after me.
One week ago, I really began to suffer pain in my underside of my foot at training - pain has been getting worse and now I can't even move without pain.
My ex wife injured herself at the beach three weeks ago; her injury hasn't improved, can someone recommend a talented physio who can help her out.
Dealing with shoulder impingement, and my doctor said I need a physio today.
I did some reseach and think I've got osteitis pubis, I need to find a physio nearby in Broken Hill who can look after me.
That sharp pain I get in my upper back got worse on Monday, I have recently relocated to Broken Hill, so I need a new physiotherapist in the area.
My son would really like a physiotherapist in the area who's open next week.
Can I see a physio that can see me on the weekend?