My new wife hurt her back lifting boxes the previous Tuesday; her pain unfortunately is getting worse, looking for the best physio that can treat her.
Pain and numbness down my left arm is continuing to flare up, I have recently relocated to Beaconsfield, so I'm in need of a physiotherapist.
On the weekend I was diagnosed with trochanteric bursitis, need to book a local physiotherapist in Beaconsfield that will treat me.
I began to have pain in my buttock at the gym yesterday. I want to locate a physio clinic in Beaconsfield that will fix me fast.
My husband is looking for a physio in Beaconsfield, hopefully someone who is an expert in managing cervicogenic headaches.
I am a 37 year old lawn bowls enthusiast and really injured my right hand on Friday. I need a Beaconsfield physio who is experienced at dealing with my issue right there and then.
I pour concrete for a living, and, I forever have elbow issues. I need a physiotherapist who is free.
I want to find a physio, ideally in Beaconsfield, I'll travel to Rosebery, Eastlakes or Beaconsfield. I need a timeslot on Saturday.
Last Monday, I hurt the inner part of my biceps at swimming - my pain is escalating and now it's hard to move.
Hurt myself running, and I want to see a physiotherapist on Monday.
I want a physio local to me who can treat me on Tuesday.
Is there a physio in Beaconsfield that's available on Saturday?